Philippe Linze

Geotechnical Engineer


59 years old

Seniority : 24 years, associate


  • Soil mechanics/foundations
  • Special foundation works
  • Underpinning/reinforcement
  • Earthworks – roads, distribution networks


Civil engineer
U.C.L. – Louvain, Belgium

Professional background

Intrafor – Bouygues
Special Foundations Division
Construction engineer

Soil and Foundation Engineering
Consulting engineer and project manager

Key areas of expertise

Geotechnical Engineering – Foundations – Civil Engineering

  • Retaining structure instability
  • Instability of natural slopes and embankments
  • Paving and pavement shifting
  • Injection-based floor consolidation treatment defects
  • Paving settlement in the environment of civil engineering structures
  • Insufficient foundations (spread footing, large piles, small piles)
  • Underpinning reinforcement using large or small piles
  • Construction all risks on civil engineering and building sites
  • Causes and consequences of underground network breakage
  • Soil-structure interaction on former quarries or gypsum dissolution zones
  • Seepage in underground structures
  • Damage occurring within the framework of directional drilling, boring machines, micro-boring machines
  • Water and geothermal wells
  • Swelling or dissolution phenomena in natural soils (clay, gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) and industrial soils (slag, incineration clinker, etc.)

Environment – Pollution

  • Ground pollution by hydrocarbons or other chemical contaminants
  • Infiltrations in drinking water supply capture systems